Peaceful Fish Grow Big
I like naso tang fish because they are peaceful, docile, large, and have bright body colors. This un Read more
Naso lituratus, or Naso Tang, is a saltwater fish known for its orange lips and black face mask. This beautiful fish lives on coral reefs right around the sea. It requires high oxygen levels and strong water currents. In addition, it uses self-defense tactics, extending its strong tail spines to attack approaching predators.
Common Name
Clown Unicornfish, Orangespined Unicornfish, Black-Finned Unicornfish, Pacific Orangespined Unicornfish, Blackfinned Unicornfish, Stripefaced Unicornfish
Conservation Status
Extinct (EX)
Scientific name
Naso lituratus
Naso lituratus
I like naso tang fish because they are peaceful, docile, large, and have bright body colors. This un Read more
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